Tornado GR4 - Limited Edition Steel Sculptures

Our sculpture of a Tornado GR4 is cast in steel which has been smelted from decommissioned Tornado Mauser cannons. We worked on this project with RAF Tornado GR4 aircrew, RAF Marham.

The image of the “Fully Loaded” version is shown alongside an 18kg 27mm Mauser cannon breech.
This is one of the main components from which the edition is being cast.

The “Fully Loaded” jet features 2250L underwing tanks, BOZ, AIRCM and two under-fuselage Storm Shadow missiles. The sculptures are set on RB199 titanium compressor blades from Tornado jet engines and mounted on a hardwood base.

Each Tornado is engraved with a unique Serial Number on top of the tail, similar in style to the recently decommissioned fleet. These sculptures are made in nickel plated steel, they are also available silver plated.
We have secured over a tonne and a half of steel cannon components, mostly breeches, for casting an edition of 999 jets.

Numbers 001 to 250 have been allocated to members of the RAF and civilians who have flown, worked on and supported the Tornado GR Force over its time in RAF service – from 1982 to 2019.


Every item we produce is handmade and unique, even our Limited Editions.

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